Introducing Elixir Oasis

A pink sunset over a lagoon with dense foliage and palm trees on the right hand side.
Cynthia  Gandarilla

Marketing Manager

Cynthia Gandarilla

For years, DockYard has made it our goal to grow the Elixir ecosystem and community. In addition to our work expanding the technical boundaries of Elixir, we’ve championed efforts to grow the Elixir community as a whole and increase diversity and inclusion within it.

To continue that effort, we’re thrilled to announce Elixir Oasis, a Discord-based Elixir community that centers diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging as fundamental pillars of the group.

What is Elixir Oasis?

Elixir Oasis is a new addition to the existing list of Elixir community resources. It’s a place where Elixirists of all backgrounds can gather to exchange ideas, find help, or simply interact with others interested in using Elixir.

Software engineering—and in particular, open-source development—is inherently collaborative. And collaboration is both more effective and better served by a group that’s as diverse and engaged as possible.

To support that goal and broaden the scope of support for all Elixirists, Elixir Oasis is a space that actively welcomes women, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, Elixirists of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, anyone new to Elixir, and more.

As stated in the Elixir Oasis code of conduct:

“Participating in software engineering is often a highly collaborative experience. We’re encouraged to create in public view, and we’re incentivized to welcome contributions of all kinds from people around the world. This makes the work we do as much social as it is technical.

That is why with Elixir Oasis, our goal is to provide a space where members can show up authentically to participate, educate, support, and encourage each other. We hope that by strengthening the Elixir community, we can create better advocacy and reach for the technology as a whole.”

Why Create Elixir Oasis?

Elixir Oasis grew out of one of DockYard’s efforts to improve gender representation in Elixir. In the process of speaking to several Elixirists who identify as women or nonbinary, DockYard repeatedly heard a call for a highly inclusive space in the Elixir community.

From there the idea was born to create a new, welcoming space for developers of all backgrounds and experience levels to join.

We’re thrilled to add Elixir Oasis to the growing list of available Elixir resources. Along with the Elixir-lang Slack, Elixir Forum, and others, Elixir Oasis offers a place to find answers to technical questions, seek out help from fellow Elixirists, learn new skills in Elixir, and more.

How Can You Get Involved?

To launch Elixir Oasis to the broader Elixir community, DockYard will be hosting a virtual Women in Elixir panel on September 7 from 12:30-1:20 p.m. EDT. While not an official part of the ElixirConf schedule, this virtual panel will take place during one of the conference’s scheduled lunch breaks. It will consist of five women-identifying Elixir developers discussing their work in Elixir, with time for Q&A and demonstrations.

In addition to the Women in Elixir panel, Elixir Oasis actively encourages Elixirists from all backgrounds to join the Discord server and begin participating. If you would like to join Elixir Oasis as a moderator or in another support role, you can also fill out this survey to express your interest.

Join the Elixir Oasis Discord server here to attend our virtual Women in Elixir panel on September 7, 2023 at 12:30-1:20 p.m. EDT/9:30-10:20 a.m. PDT.


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Narwin holding a press release sheet while opening the DockYard brand kit box